Friday, October 25, 2013
newgazzi Vol 09
newgazzi Vol 9 is framed by four pieces of music by Rolfe Kent from the movie Sideways, and features new music from newgazzi alum Nataly Dawn, Dietrich Gosser and The Melodic. Also featured are new songs from old favorites like Amos Lee, Stone Temple Pilots and Gary Numan. We also introduce music from James Crawford, Rubbing Alcohol, San Fermin, Basia Bulat and Volcano Choir.
And in case you missed them, here are links to each artist featured this month on newgazzi Vol 9 ...
James Crawford Amos Lee Stone Temple Pilots Gary Numan Nataly Dawn
Rubbing Alcohol San Fermin Dietrich Gosser The Melodic Basia Bulat Volcano Choir
Rolfe Kent
Thank you for reading and listening to newgazzi ! Next month, we will be featuring the music of James Tristan Redding, and celebrating the release of his debut solo album, Walking Into Brooklyn.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
I've been watching this movie a ton over the past 18 months. It hits home. And the music that accompanies each scene is a perfect compliment to what's being told in the story. I've decided to frame newgazzi Vol 9 with four pieces used in the movie ... the playlist will be unveiled on Friday, October 25th.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I Am Dust
Remember this song?
It turns out, Gary Numan has been keeping busy since this song was killin' it on MTV. He just released his 20th studio album, Splinter (Songs from a Broken Mind). Today's newgazzi track of the day is "I am Dust" from that album. When I heard it, I immediately thought of Trent Reznor, and if this record brings me closer to being a NIN fan, that's ok with me.
It turns out, Gary Numan has been keeping busy since this song was killin' it on MTV. He just released his 20th studio album, Splinter (Songs from a Broken Mind). Today's newgazzi track of the day is "I am Dust" from that album. When I heard it, I immediately thought of Trent Reznor, and if this record brings me closer to being a NIN fan, that's ok with me.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I remember the first time I saw this ad, I immediately went to Google and typed "Christmas Hyundai Ad Amazing Voice Funny Dancing Guy".
Shortly after that, I learned these fantastic people in the ads had names. Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn, also known as Pomplamoose. I've been a huge fan of theirs ever since.
About 9 months ago or so, I was made aware of Nataly releasing her solo debut, How I Knew Her, and it was playing in heavy rotation for quite a while. My favorite song from the record is called "Back to the Barracks" and was featured on newgazzi Vol 1 back in February.
Through the beauty that is social media, I was made aware of a new video for the song "Leslie", another favorite of mine from the record, and would like to share it with you. It is tomorrow's newgazzi track of the day, (a day early, because I'll be a chaperone at my daughter's field trip tomorrow).
Enjoy! And check back on Friday, October 25th to hear newgazzi Vol 9, featuring Nataly Dawn, James Crawford, Dietrich Gosser, Amos Lee, San Fermin, The Melodic, Basia Bulat and many others.
And to see what else Nataly is up to these days, check her out here ... Nataly Dawn is on Tumblr !
Shortly after that, I learned these fantastic people in the ads had names. Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn, also known as Pomplamoose. I've been a huge fan of theirs ever since.
About 9 months ago or so, I was made aware of Nataly releasing her solo debut, How I Knew Her, and it was playing in heavy rotation for quite a while. My favorite song from the record is called "Back to the Barracks" and was featured on newgazzi Vol 1 back in February.
Through the beauty that is social media, I was made aware of a new video for the song "Leslie", another favorite of mine from the record, and would like to share it with you. It is tomorrow's newgazzi track of the day, (a day early, because I'll be a chaperone at my daughter's field trip tomorrow).
Enjoy! And check back on Friday, October 25th to hear newgazzi Vol 9, featuring Nataly Dawn, James Crawford, Dietrich Gosser, Amos Lee, San Fermin, The Melodic, Basia Bulat and many others.
And to see what else Nataly is up to these days, check her out here ... Nataly Dawn is on Tumblr !
My buddy Todd has been raving about Volcano Choir, and for the last few days, their album, Repave, has been on constant rotation in my home. Ever since I heard Bon Iver on the Paste Samplers in early 2008, I have pretty much loved everything that Justin Vernon touches. Gayngs, The Shouting Matches, his contributions to albums by Anais Mitchell and Kanye West, and now this ...
Today's newgazzi track is called "Acetate"
Today's newgazzi track is called "Acetate"
Monday, October 14, 2013
I Didn't Want To ... But I Had To
Journey without Steve Perry just isn't Journey to me. Yeah, the guy after him looked just like him, and the current guy sounds just like him. But they ain't Steve Perry.
It will always be the WWF to me. Get out of here with that WWE nonsense. It's the World Wrestling Federation. I'm still waiting for a Superstar to slip and exclaim that he is "The World Wrestling Entertainment Champion". Just doesn't sound right.
And all other Rusty's after Anthony Michael Hall were inferior.
So, when I heard that Stone Temple Pilots had "fired" Scott Weiland, I wanted nothing to do with Stone Temple Pilots (with Chester Bennington). Yes, that's exactly how they are being billed these days. Chester Bennington is the lead singer for Linkin Park, by the way.
Then, I saw them on Leno. I was watching with arms folded, in a typical, "Let's see how bad this is gonna suck" mind set. And something weird happened. I liked it a lot. Yeah, the guy sounds like Weiland. That's probably what they were going for. I bought the Talk Show record. It sucked. I've heard the Weiland solo albums. Wasn't crazy about them. But this sounded good. Really good.
Truth be told, I saw STP live while they were touring Tiny Music ... Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop. I didn't think the live show was anything to call home about. But I've always liked their studio work. So, after I saw what I thought was a pretty clean groove on Leno, I bought the EP, closed my eyes, and it felt like the 90s again (or early 2000's).
I've always thought of the vocals as another instrument anyway. So STP has someone else providing them now. It sounds pretty good ...
Today's newgazzi track of the day is "Black Heart" by Stone Temple Pilots (with Chester Bennington).
It will always be the WWF to me. Get out of here with that WWE nonsense. It's the World Wrestling Federation. I'm still waiting for a Superstar to slip and exclaim that he is "The World Wrestling Entertainment Champion". Just doesn't sound right.
And all other Rusty's after Anthony Michael Hall were inferior.
So, when I heard that Stone Temple Pilots had "fired" Scott Weiland, I wanted nothing to do with Stone Temple Pilots (with Chester Bennington). Yes, that's exactly how they are being billed these days. Chester Bennington is the lead singer for Linkin Park, by the way.
Then, I saw them on Leno. I was watching with arms folded, in a typical, "Let's see how bad this is gonna suck" mind set. And something weird happened. I liked it a lot. Yeah, the guy sounds like Weiland. That's probably what they were going for. I bought the Talk Show record. It sucked. I've heard the Weiland solo albums. Wasn't crazy about them. But this sounded good. Really good.
Truth be told, I saw STP live while they were touring Tiny Music ... Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop. I didn't think the live show was anything to call home about. But I've always liked their studio work. So, after I saw what I thought was a pretty clean groove on Leno, I bought the EP, closed my eyes, and it felt like the 90s again (or early 2000's).
I've always thought of the vocals as another instrument anyway. So STP has someone else providing them now. It sounds pretty good ...
Today's newgazzi track of the day is "Black Heart" by Stone Temple Pilots (with Chester Bennington).
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Introducing ... Rubbing Alcohol !!
Sometimes when looking for new music, I stumble upon something can only be described as a whole lot of fun ... Today's newgazzi track is "Travel Channels" by Rubbing Alcohol, the brain child of Val Acton Loper III, or as I like to call him, Val Acton Loper's grandson. Found this a few days ago, check him out! And check back on Friday, October 25th to see hear "Travel Channels" and many more great songs on newgazzi Vol 9 !!
Rubbing Alcohol's reverbnation page can be seen and heard here
Rubbing Alcohol's reverbnation page can be seen and heard here
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Everything you need to know about The Incredible Hulk, Season Two
Season Two had some solid episodes, and some of the worst in the show's history. Here are short reviews of all 22 episodes ...
(1) Married
This two hour movie kicked off season two, and finds David traveling to Hawaii to seek out the professional help of Dr Carolyn Fields. He soon realizes that she needs him as much as he needs her. The two fall in love, get married, but tragedy would once again find David.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During hypnosis
Attacked by "swingers"
While Dreaming
My take
One of the best episodes in the history of the show. Mariette Hartley blows 'em away with her performance as Dr Fields. 5 stars.
(2) The Antowuk Horror
Shortly after The Hulk runs rampant on a small resort town, the residents of the community attempt to attract more attention by staging an appearance of a fake creature. Both the real and fake creatures attract the attention of a hunter.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After a propane tank fell on him
Attacked by fake creature
My take
Kind of lame. Actually, really lame. 2 stars because I'm feeling generous.
(3) Ricky
David takes a job assisting a race car driver and his mentally handicapped brother. Things get ugly when a rival team looks to sabotage the team.
The "Hulk-Outs"
In an attempt to save Ricky from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning
During the demolition derby
My take
This is a really good episode. Gerald McRaney makes his second appearance as the antagonist, and always did a great job on the show. Mickey Jones from Dukes of Hazzard and National Lampoon's Vacation played Ricky. Gordon Jump from WKRP in Cincinnati has a small role. The Hulk drinks a grape soda. 4 stars.
(4) Rainbow's End
While exploring the idea of using a native Indian's medicine to control his transformations, David becomes tangled up in a plot to kill a champion race horse.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During an arson attempt
Running through the crowd, trying to stop a gunman
My take
Not bad, but not too memorable. 3 stars.
(5) A Child in Need
While working at a public school, David discovers that a young student is being abused by his father.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trying to find help for the young boy
Attacked by the young boy's father in the school gym
My take
On the occasions that The Incredible Hulk tackled sensitive subjects, they always delivered. For anyone who shies away from the show because it's too "cartoony", this is a good episode to start with. Great performances all around. Sally Kirkland guest stars. 5 stars.
(6) Another Path
David meets a Chinese philosopher who offers him a chance to cure his affliction using Chinese meditation techniques. David becomes inadvertently involved in a battle with one of the philosopher's rivals in the community.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Became frostbitten while locked in the back of a semi
While tied to a bed
My take
Very well done episode. 4 stars.
(7) Alice in Disco Land
David discovers that the daughter of a late friend is working as a dancer in a shady club, and she has a problem with alcohol.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trying to save Julie from suicide attempt
Injuring himself while handcuffed
My take
I remember this episode well from my childhood. Another great stab at tackling a serious subject. 5 stars.
(8) Killer Instinct
David takes a job working for a professional football team, in an effort to learn more about the research a sports psychologist is doing while studying abnormal aggression in the players on the team.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While locked in a steam room
After being hit in the head with some sort of bowl
My take
You'd think I'd like this one, with all the Cleveland Browns footage, but this episode was poorly edited, and just felt corny. 2 stars.
(9) Stop the Presses
While working in a restaurant, David's picture is taken by the National Register, and he must break into their offices to retrieve it before Jack McGee sees it.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Attacked by National Register reporters
When hand gets stuck in the printing machine
My take
I really enjoyed this one. Art Metrano from the Police Academy movies plays one of the bad guys. Mary Frann (Newhart) and Julie Cobb (Mrs Pembroke from Charles in Charge) play the gals who own the restaurant. Pat Morita has a small role as a chef. I always enjoyed the notable guest appearances. 4 stars.
(10) Escape from Los Santos
While hitchhiking, David and a widow (Holly) are framed for her late husband's murder by a corrupt sheriff.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Pepper sprayed
While trying to save Holly from falling off a cliff
My take
It's ok. The gal from coach plays Holly. 3 stars.
(11) Wildfire
Shortly after taking a job on an oil rig, David realizes someone is trying to set it on fire.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While locked in a barrel of oil
Attacked at the oil rig
My take
Forgettable. They can't all be winners. 2 stars.
(12) A Solitary Place
David retreats to the wilderness of Baja Mexico to get away from the stresses that trigger his transformations, but the arrival of a fugitive doctor, a vengeful family and Jack McGee ruin his plan.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During a storm
Leg caught in a bear trap
My take
This could have been really good, but I think they dropped the ball on this one. What could have been a 4 or 5 star episode, I'm gonna give a 3, and I rounded up. Guy who played John Abbott guest stars.
(13) Like a Brother
While working at a carwash, David befriends a co-worker who is being exploited by a drug kingpin. David soon realizes the young man and is much younger brother are living alone.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After being thrown in the car wash
While locked in a room with a black panther
My take
The first of two episodes that takes on the subject of racism, and another episode I remember well from childhood. Tony Burton (Rocky) and Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters / Designing Women) guest star as the antagonists. 5 stars.
(14) The Haunted
David helps a woman move back into her childhood home, and soon learns that she had a twin sister who drowned. He starts to see strange things happen, which may bring about more death and mayhem.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After falling in the basement and nearly electrocuting himself
Falling into water of a boathouse
My take
Great writing, and well done. I think this episode scared me as a kid. 5 stars.
(15) Mystery Man (part 1)
David ends up in an automobile accident while hitchhiking, and after transforming into The Hulk, he's found face down near the car. He's taken to a local hospital, and treated for head injuries. Jack McGee arrives at the hospital to interview him, not knowing it's David, because his head is bandaged due to the cuts and bruises he suffered. Jack then charters a plane to have he and "John Doe" taken to see a memory specialist. The plane crashes, and McGee suffers a broken leg and "John Doe's" memory is jogged after several conversations with McGee about The Hulk.
The "Hulk-Out"
Shortly after the car accident
My take
Pretty clever way to feature an episode of mostly Banner and McGee together. The bandage looked kind of goofy, but still well done. The first episode to only feature one "Hulk-Out". 4 stars.
(16) Mystery Man (part 2)
"John Doe" and Jack tumble down a cliff, which leads to a transformation. Soon after, "John Doe" sees a reflection of himself in the water, and realizes he's David Banner and The Hulk. McGee shares with "John Doe" what his motivation is to find the creature, and discovers for the first time that a human being transforms into The Hulk.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Trying to save Jack from falling off a cliff
While saving Jack from a forest fire
My take
Again, very well done. That bandage, though. 4 stars.
(17) The Disciple
David returns to work on his cure with Li Sung, the Chinese philosopher, but Li Sung's health is failing, and his dynasty will fade away unless he can convince one of his students to take over for him.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trapped in that Chinese hand contraption (don't know what it's referred to)
While trapped in a squad car
My take
This was supposed to lead to a pilot to a spinoff, but it never happened. Guest starring Rick Springfield, Fred Ward and Gerald McRaney makes his 3rd appearance, this time as a face.
(18) No Escape
After being arrested for vagrancy, David is locked in a police van with a man who believes he is the late Ernest Hemingway. A fight provokes David's transformation, and the mentally ill man escapes. David must help to find the man before he hurts himself or someone else.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Attacked by the crazy guy in the van
After poisonous bomb went off in the house
My take
This is maybe the worst episode ever. Just couldn't hold my attention. The Hulk swims. The only thing really worth noting is that Jack McGee prevents the cops from shooting The Hulk, now knowing that it's a man that transforms into The Hulk. 1 star.
(19) Kindred Spirits
David meets one of his old students while working on a Native American reservation, after evidence has been discovered of a previous Hulk-like creature.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While cave is crumbling down
While locked in an exhibit
My take
This is a unique episode in that I'm gonna give it 3 stars, but it could have been much better, and I could have given it a 2. Kim Cattrall guests as the student.
(20) The Confession
Jack McGee is saddled with a junior reporter, and she discovers a man who is claiming that he is the person who transforms into The Hulk. After she refutes the claim, it's up to David to keep the man from killing himself.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During failed experiment to research his transformations
Caused by ringing of a loud bell
My take
It had Markie Post, so I really wanted to love it. It's ok. The Hulk does bowl in this one. 3 stars.
(21) The Quiet Room
David takes a job at a hospital, and soon discovers a doctor is doing unethical experimentations on his patients. When David speaks up, he himself is locked up and labeled as insane.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While in a stray jacket
While calling police
My take
Not a very good episode. 2 stars.
(22) Vendetta Road
A young couple starts blowing up gas stations as an act of revenge when the corporation that owns the stations caused the death of the young man's father. David must share their story with the press before they get caught by the law.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Trying to save Cassie in the fire
After being handcuffed by the cops
My take
A decent episode, but I would have expected more from a season finale. 3 stars.
(1) Married
This two hour movie kicked off season two, and finds David traveling to Hawaii to seek out the professional help of Dr Carolyn Fields. He soon realizes that she needs him as much as he needs her. The two fall in love, get married, but tragedy would once again find David.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During hypnosis
Attacked by "swingers"
While Dreaming
My take
One of the best episodes in the history of the show. Mariette Hartley blows 'em away with her performance as Dr Fields. 5 stars.
(2) The Antowuk Horror
Shortly after The Hulk runs rampant on a small resort town, the residents of the community attempt to attract more attention by staging an appearance of a fake creature. Both the real and fake creatures attract the attention of a hunter.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After a propane tank fell on him
Attacked by fake creature
My take
Kind of lame. Actually, really lame. 2 stars because I'm feeling generous.
(3) Ricky
David takes a job assisting a race car driver and his mentally handicapped brother. Things get ugly when a rival team looks to sabotage the team.
The "Hulk-Outs"
In an attempt to save Ricky from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning
During the demolition derby
My take
This is a really good episode. Gerald McRaney makes his second appearance as the antagonist, and always did a great job on the show. Mickey Jones from Dukes of Hazzard and National Lampoon's Vacation played Ricky. Gordon Jump from WKRP in Cincinnati has a small role. The Hulk drinks a grape soda. 4 stars.
(4) Rainbow's End
While exploring the idea of using a native Indian's medicine to control his transformations, David becomes tangled up in a plot to kill a champion race horse.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During an arson attempt
Running through the crowd, trying to stop a gunman
My take
Not bad, but not too memorable. 3 stars.
(5) A Child in Need
While working at a public school, David discovers that a young student is being abused by his father.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trying to find help for the young boy
Attacked by the young boy's father in the school gym
My take
On the occasions that The Incredible Hulk tackled sensitive subjects, they always delivered. For anyone who shies away from the show because it's too "cartoony", this is a good episode to start with. Great performances all around. Sally Kirkland guest stars. 5 stars.
(6) Another Path
David meets a Chinese philosopher who offers him a chance to cure his affliction using Chinese meditation techniques. David becomes inadvertently involved in a battle with one of the philosopher's rivals in the community.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Became frostbitten while locked in the back of a semi
While tied to a bed
My take
Very well done episode. 4 stars.
(7) Alice in Disco Land
David discovers that the daughter of a late friend is working as a dancer in a shady club, and she has a problem with alcohol.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trying to save Julie from suicide attempt
Injuring himself while handcuffed
My take
I remember this episode well from my childhood. Another great stab at tackling a serious subject. 5 stars.
(8) Killer Instinct
David takes a job working for a professional football team, in an effort to learn more about the research a sports psychologist is doing while studying abnormal aggression in the players on the team.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While locked in a steam room
After being hit in the head with some sort of bowl
My take
You'd think I'd like this one, with all the Cleveland Browns footage, but this episode was poorly edited, and just felt corny. 2 stars.
(9) Stop the Presses
While working in a restaurant, David's picture is taken by the National Register, and he must break into their offices to retrieve it before Jack McGee sees it.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Attacked by National Register reporters
When hand gets stuck in the printing machine
My take
I really enjoyed this one. Art Metrano from the Police Academy movies plays one of the bad guys. Mary Frann (Newhart) and Julie Cobb (Mrs Pembroke from Charles in Charge) play the gals who own the restaurant. Pat Morita has a small role as a chef. I always enjoyed the notable guest appearances. 4 stars.
(10) Escape from Los Santos
While hitchhiking, David and a widow (Holly) are framed for her late husband's murder by a corrupt sheriff.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Pepper sprayed
While trying to save Holly from falling off a cliff
My take
It's ok. The gal from coach plays Holly. 3 stars.
(11) Wildfire
Shortly after taking a job on an oil rig, David realizes someone is trying to set it on fire.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While locked in a barrel of oil
Attacked at the oil rig
My take
Forgettable. They can't all be winners. 2 stars.
(12) A Solitary Place
David retreats to the wilderness of Baja Mexico to get away from the stresses that trigger his transformations, but the arrival of a fugitive doctor, a vengeful family and Jack McGee ruin his plan.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During a storm
Leg caught in a bear trap
My take
This could have been really good, but I think they dropped the ball on this one. What could have been a 4 or 5 star episode, I'm gonna give a 3, and I rounded up. Guy who played John Abbott guest stars.
(13) Like a Brother
While working at a carwash, David befriends a co-worker who is being exploited by a drug kingpin. David soon realizes the young man and is much younger brother are living alone.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After being thrown in the car wash
While locked in a room with a black panther
My take
The first of two episodes that takes on the subject of racism, and another episode I remember well from childhood. Tony Burton (Rocky) and Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters / Designing Women) guest star as the antagonists. 5 stars.
(14) The Haunted
David helps a woman move back into her childhood home, and soon learns that she had a twin sister who drowned. He starts to see strange things happen, which may bring about more death and mayhem.
The "Hulk-Outs"
After falling in the basement and nearly electrocuting himself
Falling into water of a boathouse
My take
Great writing, and well done. I think this episode scared me as a kid. 5 stars.
(15) Mystery Man (part 1)
David ends up in an automobile accident while hitchhiking, and after transforming into The Hulk, he's found face down near the car. He's taken to a local hospital, and treated for head injuries. Jack McGee arrives at the hospital to interview him, not knowing it's David, because his head is bandaged due to the cuts and bruises he suffered. Jack then charters a plane to have he and "John Doe" taken to see a memory specialist. The plane crashes, and McGee suffers a broken leg and "John Doe's" memory is jogged after several conversations with McGee about The Hulk.
The "Hulk-Out"
Shortly after the car accident
My take
Pretty clever way to feature an episode of mostly Banner and McGee together. The bandage looked kind of goofy, but still well done. The first episode to only feature one "Hulk-Out". 4 stars.
(16) Mystery Man (part 2)
"John Doe" and Jack tumble down a cliff, which leads to a transformation. Soon after, "John Doe" sees a reflection of himself in the water, and realizes he's David Banner and The Hulk. McGee shares with "John Doe" what his motivation is to find the creature, and discovers for the first time that a human being transforms into The Hulk.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Trying to save Jack from falling off a cliff
While saving Jack from a forest fire
My take
Again, very well done. That bandage, though. 4 stars.
(17) The Disciple
David returns to work on his cure with Li Sung, the Chinese philosopher, but Li Sung's health is failing, and his dynasty will fade away unless he can convince one of his students to take over for him.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While trapped in that Chinese hand contraption (don't know what it's referred to)
While trapped in a squad car
My take
This was supposed to lead to a pilot to a spinoff, but it never happened. Guest starring Rick Springfield, Fred Ward and Gerald McRaney makes his 3rd appearance, this time as a face.
(18) No Escape
After being arrested for vagrancy, David is locked in a police van with a man who believes he is the late Ernest Hemingway. A fight provokes David's transformation, and the mentally ill man escapes. David must help to find the man before he hurts himself or someone else.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Attacked by the crazy guy in the van
After poisonous bomb went off in the house
My take
This is maybe the worst episode ever. Just couldn't hold my attention. The Hulk swims. The only thing really worth noting is that Jack McGee prevents the cops from shooting The Hulk, now knowing that it's a man that transforms into The Hulk. 1 star.
(19) Kindred Spirits
David meets one of his old students while working on a Native American reservation, after evidence has been discovered of a previous Hulk-like creature.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While cave is crumbling down
While locked in an exhibit
My take
This is a unique episode in that I'm gonna give it 3 stars, but it could have been much better, and I could have given it a 2. Kim Cattrall guests as the student.
(20) The Confession
Jack McGee is saddled with a junior reporter, and she discovers a man who is claiming that he is the person who transforms into The Hulk. After she refutes the claim, it's up to David to keep the man from killing himself.
The "Hulk-Outs"
During failed experiment to research his transformations
Caused by ringing of a loud bell
My take
It had Markie Post, so I really wanted to love it. It's ok. The Hulk does bowl in this one. 3 stars.
(21) The Quiet Room
David takes a job at a hospital, and soon discovers a doctor is doing unethical experimentations on his patients. When David speaks up, he himself is locked up and labeled as insane.
The "Hulk-Outs"
While in a stray jacket
While calling police
My take
Not a very good episode. 2 stars.
(22) Vendetta Road
A young couple starts blowing up gas stations as an act of revenge when the corporation that owns the stations caused the death of the young man's father. David must share their story with the press before they get caught by the law.
The "Hulk-Outs"
Trying to save Cassie in the fire
After being handcuffed by the cops
My take
A decent episode, but I would have expected more from a season finale. 3 stars.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Tall Tall Shadow
Today's newgazzi track of the day is "Tall Tall Shadow" from Basia Bulat. This talented multi-instrumentalist has just released her third full length record, and I've just spent a few hours with it. It's phenomenal. She'll be heading to your town (or a nearby town) soon, and for all my readers in Wisconsin, she'll be playing at the Stoughton Opera House on November 6th, and at Schuba's in Chicago on November 7th.
Please visit her website to learn more ... Official Website of Basia Bulat
Please visit her website to learn more ... Official Website of Basia Bulat
Ode to Victor Jara
Remember the band I drove to Cleveland in August?

They are The Melodic, and their new album, Effra Parade, will be available on November 5th. Though we may only have spent one day together on the road, I will always think of Huw, Rudi, John and Lydia as extended family. And when a John Peter Arthur Naldrett shares the band's latest video with their fans, you can damn share bet that I will share it with my readers.
Make sure to check back with newgazzi to find out when and where The Melodic will be playing this fall in support of the new record. In the mean time, take a few moments to visit their website ...
Official Website of The Melodic
I hope you enjoy "Ode to Victor Jara" ... today's newgazzi track of the day!

They are The Melodic, and their new album, Effra Parade, will be available on November 5th. Though we may only have spent one day together on the road, I will always think of Huw, Rudi, John and Lydia as extended family. And when a John Peter Arthur Naldrett shares the band's latest video with their fans, you can damn share bet that I will share it with my readers.
Make sure to check back with newgazzi to find out when and where The Melodic will be playing this fall in support of the new record. In the mean time, take a few moments to visit their website ...
Official Website of The Melodic
I hope you enjoy "Ode to Victor Jara" ... today's newgazzi track of the day!
Twitter Gold: Oct 11th
Buttery rusts, indeed ...
New Pumpkin Spice Channel To Offer Fall-Themed Hardcore Pornography
— The Onion (@TheOnion) October 11, 2013
I get the pizza, the Maddens, but 30 Arnold Palmers ??
Man night with joe
— Dylan Moser (@The_Dylan_Moser) October 10, 2013
And I bet some people fell for it ...
Just secretly replaced all the pumpkins in this pumpkin patch with grapes painted orange to convince people they are giants
— Rob Huebel (@robhuebel) October 10, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Introducing ... San Fermin !
Today's newgazzi track of the day comes from San Fermin. The name of the song is "Daedalus (What We Have), from their self titled debut that came out last month. Great vocals, beautiful arrangements. I can't wait to dive into the entire record ...
Get to know San Fermin .... taken right from their website ...
To read more about this great new band go to ... The Official Website of San Fermin
Get to know San Fermin .... taken right from their website ...
A pastiche of post-rock, chamber-pop and contemporary classical composition, San Fermin is the work of Brooklyn composer and songwriter Ellis Ludwig-Leone. His self-titled debut album is strongly influenced by his unique background in classical music, which includes a job assisting composer/arranger Nico Muhly.
After finishing his musical studies at Yale, Ludwig-Leone wrote the album in six weeks while holed up in a studio on the mountainous border between Alberta and British Columbia. He focused on lifeʼs top-shelf issues – youth, nostalgia, anxiety, unrequited love – and tied these vast themes to different characters through vocal contributions from longtime friend Allen Tate, as well as Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig of Lucius.
San Fermin is not an album of singles but rather a sweeping, full-bodied listen with multiple distinct peaks and ambitious thematic connections. Ludwig-Leone composed all of the album’s arrangements and lyrics in full prior to collaborating and recording, noting that “writing for a large group of unknown musicians infused the writing process with a kind of operatic scope.”
The first track released from the album, “Sonsick,” tackles many of these larger themes head-on. ”It’s like a panic attack disguised as a birthday party,” Ludwig-Leone says. ”I realized that the most intense moments are the ones in which conflicting emotional worlds exist inside you, equally, at once.”
San Fermin will be available on CD, vinyl and digital outlets via Downtown Records this fall. The name is pronounced [SAN fur-MEEN]
To read more about this great new band go to ... The Official Website of San Fermin
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Man Who Wants You
Today's newgazzi track of the day is courtesy of one of my favorite singer-songwriters, Amos Lee. You may have seen him recently on Leno and/or Letterman. His new album is called Mountains of Sorrow, Rivers of Song, and the song I would like to share is called "The Man Who Wants You". I can also tell you that three of his previous albums will be included in Fugazzi Grand III, the list of my top 500 favorite albums, which I will start to unveil on New Year's Day, 2014. But which three? And where will they be listed? You'll have to check it out !!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Oh To Begin!
Back in June, I met a gentleman named Dietrich Gosser, who was playing a show with friend of newgazzi, Anna Vogelzang. I liked his set so much, I decided to feature him on newgazzi later that month. The song I featured was called "Ocean", and was written in 2008. Well, Dietrich has just released his newest album, called "Oh To Begin!" It can be heard and purchased on his bandcamp website, and the vinyl will be available in December. This album is a treat to listen to. Just like James Crawford, so many great songs to choose from for newgazzi. I'm going to go with the title track, "Oh To Begin!", but I encourage you to listen to the entire record and try to catch a show of his.
Introducing ... James Crawford !
When I read that an artist is being compared to Tom Waits and Elvis Costello, there's only one thing I can do. See what all the fuss is about! Joe Wolfe-Mazeres from Ear to the Ground turned me on to the music of Nashville's very own James Crawford. I was asked recently, "What kind of music is it?" I said, "Great music." His music is too good to put one genre label on it. His debut solo album hits the streets on October 12th ....
Check out his website here ... Official James Crawford Website
Today's newgazzi track is called "Requiem for the Disconsolate", which was one of the last songs James wrote for the record ... it was hard to choose just one, the whole album is great.
Check out his website here ... Official James Crawford Website
Today's newgazzi track is called "Requiem for the Disconsolate", which was one of the last songs James wrote for the record ... it was hard to choose just one, the whole album is great.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013
From the gentleman that brought you newgazzi ...
... comes the parody twitter account, "ThinSkinnedHulk" ... all the "Hulk-Outs" of Dr David Banner that were never captured on film. It turns out Banner was really sensitive.
Dr David Banner "Hulks-Out" when his snickers is caught in a vending machine. The next guy gets his butterfinger, and David's snickers.
— Dr David Banner (@ThinSkinnedHulk) October 5, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Twitter Gold: Oct 3rd
My new favorite twitter account ...
Eleven sausage mcmuffins and a cup of water
— Sad Paul Giamatti (@SadPaulGiamatti) September 13, 2013
Six hour staring contest with a box of crackers
— Sad Paul Giamatti (@SadPaulGiamatti) September 5, 2013
Cleaning the bathroom with a crumpled up newspaper
— Sad Paul Giamatti (@SadPaulGiamatti) August 27, 2013
Eating chips with my shirt off
— Sad Paul Giamatti (@SadPaulGiamatti) August 2, 2013
Table for one at the buffet.
— Sad Paul Giamatti (@SadPaulGiamatti) July 7, 2013
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