Saturday, September 14, 2013

Introducing ... Amason !!

No, not the internet wholesaler.  That's Amazon.  This is Amason.  I discovered their EP a few weeks back on iTunes, and I'm telling you, all five songs are great.  So great, that they are indeed getting the Anna Vogelzang and The Franklin Electric treatment this month.  You know what that means!  This band is being featured TWICE this month.

First, here is the video for track 4 of their EP.  The song is called "Went to War"

The second song is called "Parachutes", and it's track 3 of that same EP.  I cannot find any audio for it, but you can sample 90 seconds of it at iTunes.  It will be well worth your time.

Check back on Friday, September 27th for the sequencing of newgazzi Vol 8, featuring Pixies, Paul McCartney, Eddie Murphy, Denison Witmer, The Greencards, Amason and much more !

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