Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fugazzi Grand III : My Top 500 Albums (#480 and #479)

(#480, Volume One by She & Him)

James, do you remember when you played the Miramar years ago, and in the middle of your show, you asked if I was a fan of She & Him ?  On that night, I was only aware that the quirky gal from Elf was She.  I wasn't aware that M. Ward was Him, until a few days later.  I either "borrowed" this from Jamie, or rented it from the library, but I became a fan instantly.  I've been a fan of Ward for a while, and I really enjoy the gal from Elf's voice.  Yeah, I know her name, I just don't feel like going to Google for the spelling of her last name.  I do realize this is bad journalism, but I found out yesterday I need all four wisdom teeth pulled, and daddy's in a lot of pain right now.

Here's the video for their first single, "Why Don't You Let Me Stay Here?"

(#479, The Bridge by Billy Joel)

I suspect the Andrew C Fefers and Andy Gilmartins of the world are gonna want to sit me down, gather my family and friends, and start an intervention.  This should be higher, Joey !!  Yes. It should be.  The only reason I don't have it higher is that, as Billy Joel albums go, in 2014, I'd rather spend time with most of his other records.  Now, in 1986, I wore the hell out of this.  And I love most of the songs on it.  But I've never felt that the album gels, flows as a singular listening experience like many of his other long players do.  And he admits this in the documentary I'm going to share with you.  This is an album of singles, and the songs have no real relation to each other.  So as an album, it's #479.  But as a collection of songs, it would rank much, much higher.  As a matter of fact, three of the nine songs on this record were featured on Fugazzi Grand : My Top 1000 Songs, in 2010 (Modern Woman, Big Man on Mulberry Street and Baby Grand).

This is called "Building the Bridge", a short film about the making of this LP ...

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